27th July 2024 - Tracking bug fixed, update available in the App Store shortly.

We have recently fixed a bug that is disrupting tracking for some customers.

Bug details: When moving country, tracking remains on the previous country.

This bug is associated with our recent update built in response to Apple’s privacy changes.

We have now fixed the issue, the update is being processed in the App Store today and will be available soon.

If you have experienced this bug please:

/ Download the update when it is available (this should be in the next 24 hours, once approved by Apple) you will be able to find it here: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/trackingdays/id657769643

/ After downloading please go to App settings.

/ Backups.

/ Please choose a Backup from a date before the tracking issue occurred.

/ Restore the Backup.

/ Edit the correct travel back manually.

We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.


14th August 2024 - New App build - update on release date.


11th July 2024 - TrackingStates Update released