11th July 2024 - TrackingStates Update released

Today we released a TrackingStates update, please go ahead and download it here: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/trackingstates/id1497481779

This update brings TrackingStates in-line with TrackingDays in terms of an interim fix for the recent Apple privacy and background tracking changes.

This update includes improved tracking, as well as new notifications if your App does not log a location for 24 hours.

If you receive a tracking notification on your device, simply log into the App, or better still, close and reopen the App to force a new location. To close the App:

/ Swipe up from the bottom of your screen / Locate TrackingStates / Swipe the App up to close it / Navigate to the TrackingStates icon and tap to reopen the App

We are continuing work building a new server based tracking system that will return our Apps to their pre-Apple update reliability levels. This will be private and 100% anonymous. This work will take approximately 3 weeks to complete.

We would like to apologise to all of our customers for the recent issues surrounding background tracking and the creation of unverified trips. These were not created by us, but by Appleā€™s Privacy changes in iOS specifically relating to background tracking.

Whilst we did not create these issues, we are working hard to resolve them and we are committed to returning our Apps to their previous reliability levels and to further feature upgrades and improvements as we move forwards.

Thank you for your support and patience and as always, if you have any questions of feedback, please submit a ticked in our support page to contact us.


27th July 2024 - Tracking bug fixed, update available in the App Store shortly.


3rd July 2024 - iOS issue creating Unverified Trips