3rd July 2024 - iOS issue creating Unverified Trips

We would like to apologise for an issue that has caused Unverified Trips and location freezing in TrackingDays and TrackingStates for some iOS customers.


We have released updates to the App Store, these updates include improved tracking, as well as new notifications if your App does not log a location for 24 hours.

We are also continuing to build a new server based tracking system that will return our Apps to their pre-Apple update reliability levels. This will be private and 100% anonymous.

As a small start up, this work will take us approximately 3 weeks, (end of July). We apologise for the inconvenience of these timings and sincerely thank you for your patience and support.

In the interim time, please continue to download the latest updates available in the App Store, which will continue to iron out minor bugs.

If you receive a tracking notification on your device, simply log into the App, or better still, close and reopen the App to force a new location. If you receive multiple tracking notifications, please close and reopen your device. We are resolving this small bug.

As mentioned, this is on only a temporary measure, while we are building the full revised server based tracking fix.

This issue was created by Apple’s privacy changes, but we are working hard to fix it and to build within their new guidelines.

Why did this issue occur?

Unfortunately, Apple moved the goal-posts on us at short notice!

Our Apps are highly accurate location tracking Apps, we choose not to collect any customer location data and as such, our tracking is 100% private, however in general, Apple assumes customers do not want their locations to be tracked.

Recently Apple made some changes to iOS that directly affected how our Apps are able to access location data. Our accurate tracking methods now fell outside of Apples new parameters and the outcome was iOS unilaterally disabling background tracking in our Apps, causing Unverified Trips.

We have been working hard to resolve the issue and have now released the first update. More updates will follow in the coming weeks as we continue to improve the tracking logic and code, within Apple’s new guidelines.

Please rest assured we are committed to continual improvement of our Apps and we thank you for your patience and understanding while we resolved this unexpected issue and continue to improve going forwards.


Firstly, please download the latest update from the App Store here:

TrackingDays update

TrackingStates update

If you receive a new notification telling you that you have not received a location for 24 hours, please go ahead and open the App, this will nudge iOS to tell it you do want the App to continue to track your location. Better still, please close and reopen the App for maximum accuracy.

If you believe that your App has frozen or is not tracking for any reason, please download the most recent update in the App Store as well as simply closing the App and reopening it, this is will force a location and will restart tracking. To do this:

/ Scroll up from the bottom of your screen / Locate TrackingDays and flick upwards / Restart the App 

If you receive multiple notifications, please go ahead and restart the App, this will force a new location and will stop notifications (we will resolve this issue in an update soon).

If you have Unverified Trips, please go ahead and Edit in the normal way:  

/ Go to Timeline / Tap Edit (top right) / Select Trip / Select Country / Tap Done

If you have any further questions or any feedback on what you’d like to see in the App, please do not hesitate to contact us by submitting a ticket in the Help Center.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused and sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding while we resolved this challenge.  

We will get back to building new App features and improvements as soon as we can, for example we are building:

- Country shortcuts / bespoke country counts

- Improved Edit and Add Previous Days functions

- Day / Night count reminders 

and we have a long list of improvements and new features that we will be working on as we move forwards.

Thank you


11th July 2024 - TrackingStates Update released